Journal of Educational Sciences 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Kudaibergenova Open Journal Systems Multimedia technologies as a tool for engaging young teachers in innovative activities 2024-02-11T21:08:32+00:00 R. Kussainova G. Таzhitova А. Kaliyeva <p>The present article is devoted to the actual problem of using multimedia technologies in education, as well as investigating their effectiveness for engaging young teachers in innovative activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an online course using materials to engage young teachers in innovative activities. The study involved 60 young teachers divided into experimental and control groups of 30 participants each. The intervention consisted of providing the participants with 8 webinars covering different aspects of online teaching and learning using different tools and strategies followed by assignments. Adapted questionnaires were used to measure participants' student-centeredness and propensity to incorporate new ideas and practices into their teaching. Additionally, some participants were interviewed for qualitative analysis. According to the results, in the experimental group, the average total score of innovativeness significantly increased during the research period compared to the control group (p = 0.043). Additionally, the experimental group exhibited a greater degree of student-centeredness at the post-test compared to the control group (p = 0.014). The interview findings further revealed favorable changes in the cybersecurity awareness of respondents from the experimental group, as well as their understanding of the importance of integrating digital resources in learning processes, compliance with ethical standards when using educational technology, as well as the desire for self-reflection and professional growth. The results of the study expand the understanding of the effectiveness of multimedia technologies in education and their impact on the professional development of young teachers. The conclusion contains a number of findings and suggestions on the importance of promoting and maintaining access to online courses and multimedia resources for young teachers, encouraging them to participate in online courses with active use of multimedia technologies, to exchange experiences and cooperate with colleagues to stimulate professional development and innovation, as well as the importance of continuing further research in the area.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> innovation, student-centeredness, young teacher, online course, webinar.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences Development of tasks used in information education environment in primary school 2023-09-10T04:19:38+00:00 D. Belessova A. Ibashova G. Shaimerdenova <p>Education can be defined as a systematic process of achieving a goal through perseverance and patience. Currently, the education system is witnessing a paradigm shift from traditional teaching to digital inclusion methodology. The change will not only increase the capacity of teachers, but also increase the knowledge base of students so that they can excel in the international arena. Therefore, the developing technologies allow to educate the educated generation and to solve the tasks in the modern school. The introduction of computer education into the primary school curriculum is one way to solve these problems. In the article, we will focus on the programming section in the subject "Digital Literacy" in elementary school. In particular, we develop methods for designing programming tasks for elementary school students, and present the process and results of qualitative research. In order to determine the cognitive requirements of these tasks for elementary school students, what students consider difficult and what easy, we are looking for an effective methodology for programming education in elementary school. To achieve these goals, we need to identify simple cognitive operations in elementary programming, and on the basis of these actions, it is intended to be more competent in considering the level of complexity of programming tasks and to formulate the correct gradation sequence (gradation) of tasks, to develop programming skills and computational thinking of elementary school students. The experimental work was carried out on the basis of the primary educational organization “ADAN” in Shymkent and secondary school № 11 named after A. Navoi. Pupils of 1st and 3rd grades took part in the study.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Information educational environment, algorithm, linear algorithm, algorithmic thinking, computational thinking, teaching, digital literacy.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences XXI century artificial intelligence in education: SWOT-analysis 2024-01-09T10:14:50+00:00 S. Askarkyzy A. Zhunusbekova <p>In the 21st century there has been a growing interest in artificial intelligence (AI) which is being applied across a wide range of industries, including banking, automotive, mobile phones, medical research, and personnel training. The potential of AI for science, technology, and the economy is immense, promising to enhance efficiency and improve quality of life. However AI also raises ethical and social concerns, such as the threat of job losses, privacy breaches, and discrimination.</p> <p>This article presents a literature review and an empirical study that evaluates students' and educators' perceptions of the potential applications of AI in education. The opportunities, prospects, and risks associated with the use of AI in education were identified through a SWOT analysis which was based on a meta-analysis of educational literature and surveys conducted among university professors and students from institutions such as the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and the Kazakh National University of Arts.</p> <p>The collected data were analyzed using statistical methods, including descriptive statistics. According to our findings the development of ethical guidelines that ensure data security and equal access to education for all students is crucial for the effective implementation of AI in education. These guidelines should address concerns related to privacy, fairness, and inclusivity, ensuring that the benefits of AI are distributed equitably among all stakeholders in the educational system.</p> <p>In conclusion while AI holds great promise for transforming education, it is essential to approach its integration thoughtfully considering the potential risks and challenges. We can harness the power of AI to enhance the quality and accessibility of education for all by establishing robust ethical frameworks and fostering collaboration between educators, researchers and policymakers.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>artificial intelligence, society, opportunities, digital age, future educators.</p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em> </em></p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences The effect of applying geogebra software for augmented reality visualization to teach physics in high school 2024-01-10T02:03:29+00:00 B.S. Arymbekov K. Turekhanova K. Fedus N. Suprapto E. Tursanova M. Turdalyuly <p>The article provides a comprehensive exploration of the utilization of augmented reality technologies in the field of education, with a particular focus on physics education. The primary objective of this study is to identify and examine the advantages and disadvantages of existing and previously developed teaching methodologies in physics that incorporate augmented reality, particularly in the context of their educational effectiveness. The article underscores the ability of AR to enable direct interaction with three-dimensional models and objects, allowing users to examine them from various angles and access relevant information. This capability enhances the understanding of complex physics concepts and phenomena. The article emphasizes the significance of adequately training teachers in the integration of augmented reality technology into the teaching process. Teachers need to be proficient in using AR tools and incorporating them into the curriculum effectively. The article highlights the potential for students to engage in project-based activities by creating their own AR applications. This participatory approach fosters active learning and experimentation. The article explores different pedagogical approaches and methods for teaching physics using augmented and virtual reality technologies. These innovative methods enrich the educational experience and make it more interactive. This article underscores the importance of augmented reality technologies in education. The practical part of the study involved 750 students from schools in Kazakhstan. The research results were processed using statistical methods.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: teaching physics, teaching methodology, high education, augmented reality, applications for teaching physics.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences Digital Formation of Competence for Future Biology Teachers in Blended Learning 2024-03-05T02:28:27+00:00 Zh. Yesmakhanova A. Abubakirova Sh. Nurzhanova <p>This article presents the key advantages and experiences of forming digital competence and utilizing new pedagogical approaches in the education and training of future biology teachers, along with the results of research. Currently, it is crucial for future biology teachers not only to absorb vast amounts of information but also to become qualified, high-quality professionals capable of applying their knowledge in real-life contexts and meeting the requirements set by educational institutions. Therefore, the theoretical justification of forming digital competence for future biology teachers in blended learning environments, as well as assessing its effectiveness through research based on the development of methodologies, underscores the significance of this article. The identification of an effective research method was conducted based on a literature review. To achieve this, articles by researchers from various countries, both near and far abroad, were selected through the University Library System. Additionally, students enrolled in the educational program 6B01505 - ‘Teacher Training in Biology’ were tasked with utilizing effective methods and new technologies aimed at fostering students’ knowledge, skills, and competencies in line with the content of the academic discipline ‘Teaching Methodology in Biology’. Successful outcomes were achieved. Comprehensive considerations were given to providing students with suitable educational platforms for learning teaching methods.</p> <p>“The practical significance of the research lies in the development of a digital educational environment using MOODLE, based on the subject of ‘Teaching Methodology in Biology.’ This involved preparing presentations and video recordings of lectures that define the content of the topic. Additionally, the article comprehensively presents the advantages of services and the effectiveness of utilizing educational platforms.”</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>blended learning, digital competence, digital education, digital transformation, educational environment, interactive technologies.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences Speech development of early children: features of training special teachers 2024-02-14T11:02:22+00:00 A. Yermagambet Z.A. Movkebayeva <p>The article examines the problem of speech development in young children, studied by scientists in this field from different countries. The problem of the readiness of domestic special teachers to conduct speech therapy work with young children is also described. Particular attention is paid to the issue of preparing special teachers for speech therapy support for young children in preschool general education organizations. Based on the analysis of research and data obtained as a result of a survey of specialists, a conclusion was made about the importance of studying the problems of speech development of young children and targeted training of special teachers to work with this category of children, as the main approach to solving the issues of overcoming speech delays and preventing the occurrence of secondary disorders.</p> <p>Representatives of preschool educational organizations took part in the survey: heads, methodologists, educators and special teachers. The interviews were conducted in general education kindergartens in Almaty, Kostanay, Pavlodar, Karaganda and Shymkent.</p> <p>The information presented in the article can be used by practitioners to replenish theoretical knowledge, as well as by researchers studying issues of speech development in young children.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> early age, speech development, training of special teachers, speech therapy support.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences The problem of creating conditions for inclusion of students with special educational needs in the process of mastering professional competencies 2023-10-10T11:47:05+00:00 A. Magauova A.D. Zhomartova R. Aubakirova M. Nurgaliyeva A. Syrgakbayeva <p>The formation and development of a graduate who meets the requirements of Kazakhstan society is reflected in the content of education and is specified at the national level through the definition of competencies in the State Mandatory Standard of Education. Currently, students with disabilities need qualified psychological and pedagogical assistance not only in a special system of differentiated education, where specialists with relevant knowledge and experience work, and there is also the necessary software, educational, methodological and logistical support. This assistance should also be available in higher education institutions. Universities should use their human, material, technical and educational-methodical capabilities to support students involved in the educational process, as well as their teachers and parents. The purpose of the research is to study the primary state of the problem of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competence of students with disabilities in the inclusive educational environment of higher education institution.For this purpose, a survey was conducted in which 194 teachers and students took part. The survey was designed and conducted using Google program.The article highlights the results of research conducted under the grant projects of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan IRN AR 19679880 "Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competencies of university students with special educational needs (on the example of Pavlodar region)", IRN AR 14872130 "Formation of professional self-determination of students with special educational needs (SEN) as a national strategy in the field of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan".</p> <p><strong>Key words:</strong> inclusive education, special educational needs, formation of professional competencies, inclusive environment, limited health opportunities.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences Socio-pedagogical support of students with special educational needs based on the organization of an inclusive university environment 2024-02-14T17:50:49+00:00 A. Kudaibergenova A. Kurmanbek А. Meirbekova <p>The article discusses the issues of socio-pedagogical support for students with special educational needs based on the organization of an inclusive University environment. The research topic is based on the relevance of the field of inclusive education in the country. The characteristics of normative legal, legislative documents and special development programs of the country, on which the rights of students with special educational needs are based, have also been developed. As the purpose of the study, a scientific justification was obtained for the socio-pedagogical support of students with special educational needs based on the organization of an inclusive University environment. The article examines the essence of the concept of socio-pedagogical support in it with an analysis of the works of domestic and foreign scientists who considered the research topic. The analysis of the levels and stages of socio-pedagogical support is carried out. In the practical part of the study, in order to identify the problems necessary for effective socio-pedagogical support, a specially compiled survey of students with special educational needs, a methodology for diagnosing the socio-psychological adaptation of K. Rogers and R. Diamond were conducted. 11 students with special educational needs and 15 students with a "conditionally" normal state of health took part in the practice. The results of the methods are analyzed and the results of the study are summarized. Recommendations were also developed based on the results of the study. <strong>Keywords: </strong>inclusive education, inclusive environment, inclusive environment of the university, students with special educational needs (SSE), social and pedagogical support.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences The Use of Distance Learning Technology for Preschool Children with Special Educational Needs 2024-04-26T05:25:50+00:00 M. Yessengulova D. Ramazanova A. Togaibayeva B.B. Ertleuova M. Amanzhol <p>The problems of developing the ability to correctly pronounce sounds in connection with their language impairments in children is one of the pressing problems of special pedagogy. The article provides a review of the works of domestic and foreign scientists with a theoretical analysis of the stages of sound production through speech therapy work. A review of teaching methods for preschool children with special educational needs in distance learning was carried out. The updated methodology allows you to build a high-quality education and adapt to children’s environment, building equal relationships with others in society. 20 pupils of the special kindergarten “Akbota” and the speech therapy center “Speech Therapy Center” of the education department of the Aktobe region (10 children from each institution) took part in the experiment to test the methodology. For the study, permission and consent were taken from the children's parents. The “World of Sounds” program was developed to develop readiness to use distance learning technologies to work with children. The experimental study consisted of 3 stages - diagnostic, formative and control stages. The mobile applications “Literate Child” and “World of Sounds” have been tested. The effectiveness of the updated technique has been demonstrated.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>distance learning technology, children with special educational needs, preschool children, speech therapy, speech disorders.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences An evaluation of validity and reliability English Language test as a component part of the master’s placement test 2023-11-07T10:14:15+00:00 Sh. Altybayeva F. Sultabayev L. Shinetova <p>The subject of the research of the article is statistical models and methods for assessing the quality of test items in English for applicants to the master's program. The study used the Rasch model for data analysis using Winsteps. When assessing the quality of the developed test items, statistical characteristics of the test items were obtained. We took into account such indicators as the validity and reliability of the test item, the difficulty of the item, the correlation coefficient, the statistics of agreement, the correspondence between the level of preparedness of the subjects and the difficulty of the test items. The agreement of the experimental data with the Rasch model was assessed using characteristic curves. Compatibility of test items was determined based on the Chi-square test, and the test results were compared with the expected values ​​based on the Rasch model. Rasch IRT results provide very detailed information about the quality, validity, and reliability of test items. Based on the data obtained, it was revealed that the English language test corresponds to a high level of language proficiency and can be used as a component of the entrance exam to the master's program.The article is intended for a wide range of specialists in the field of education, as well as for those interested in the problems of higher education in our country.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> the Rasch model, the validity and reliability of the test item, the difficulty of the item, the correlation coefficient.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences Development of self-acceptance competence in the process of studying the course "Human resource management" 2024-01-15T16:52:18+00:00 G. Murzakhmetova <p>The article presents the results of research and integration into the educational program of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) of the competence of self-acceptance, which is currently in the circle of attention of employers, entrepreneurs and managers of different levels and areas of business. The relevance and significance of this study are due to the fact that, despite the surge of interest, self-acceptance is not clearly defined as a competence that has a specific content, value, dynamics and technology of mastering in the higher professional educational process. The author of the article presents the experience of defining this competence and research in action (Achene Research) of enriching the content of the educational program "Human Resource Management" in MBA with relevant information and technological development strategies. The research was carried out with the use of observation methods, analysis of theoretical sources and publications of practicing psychologists-consultants, study of master's students' activity products, self-assessment of master's students, expert evaluation. Undergraduates of the Kazakh-British Technical University took part in the practical part of the study. The result of the study was the clarification of the concept of "self-recognition" in terms of the competence approach to the content of MBA education; determination of the issues of the content and technology of self-recognition that are relevant for MBAs; identification of the types of attitude of MBAs to the activity of self-recognition; identification of training situations that develop the competence of self-recognition of MBAs. The results of the presented research are a contribution to the methodology and technology of integrating self-acceptance competence into the content of MBA educational programs.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> recognition, self-acceptance, interpersonal interaction, business relationships, productive work environment, psychology of business relationships, coaching approach in education, effective communication, Master of Business Administration.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences Using ICT in teaching a foreign language as a means of preparing students for creative activity 2024-02-07T18:26:01+00:00 А. Tolbassiyeva G. Lekerova A. Ussenova <p>In the article, the use of ICT in the process of teaching a foreign language is considered as a means of preparing students for creative activity.Information and communication technologies allow to search, process and master various sources of information, use various programs.This forms in students, as future teachers of a foreign language, the mastery of language material for use in speech form, the perception of personal statements and their logical connection, the ability to verbally and non-verbally compensate for gaps, as well as the degree of familiarity with the sociocultural context of the language, and readiness for creative activity.</p> <p>The authors highlight the following characteristics of the information and educational environment: systematic (creation of educational programs that require a consumer, preparation of a set of software and methodological aids for the discipline of all cycles); multimedia tools (visualization of educational material, improving the quality of new didactics, software and methodological support for organizing interactive interaction with students based on logical means and telecommunications capabilities); requirements for the content of training (availability of textbooks and teaching aids, taking into account the requirements of teachers and students, the possibility of them actively changing elements of the environment). 99 students of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University took part in the diagnostic study. The creative potential of students was assessed using E. Tunnik’s questionnaire, as well as students’ opinions using the author’s questionnaire on the effectiveness of the learning process.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>creativity, activity, creative activity, personality activity, information and communication technologies, electronic educational resources, digital educational resources, absorbed funds, educational environment.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences Prerequisites for socio-pedagogical support in developing anti-terrorist awareness among university students 2024-04-22T13:30:38+00:00 A. Zhomartov A. Bulatbayeva A. Aitbayeva B. Zaurenbekov <p>There are many definitions of terrorism in international scientific practice, but in general, its properties can be characterized as: unpredictability, sophistication of forms, ideological motivation, instability and violence. Tragedies in different countries of the world, for example, the tragic event at Crocus city-hall, and other crisis events actualize programmatic, legal, organizational and pedagogical changes to develop the anti-terrorist consciousness of young people. The key role is played by the awareness of the trainees, the development of their critical and analytical skills, and the level of legal awareness. The article is aimed at a comprehensive study of the prerequisites for countering terrorism in Kazakhstan and an empirical study of the factors contributing to the development of anti-terrorist consciousness among students. Research method: analysis of normative and legal documents and theoretical developments in the field of terrorism and radicalization prevention among young people, focus group research among 1st-4th year students, approximate age 17-21 years. A total of 4 groups of 12 people (48 people) each were covered by the focus group research. According to the results of the study, students of 1-2 courses see their role in improving religious education and upbringing, strengthening national values and meanings. Students of 3-4 courses in the fight against terrorism and its ideology are more focused on such tools as the development of critical thinking, increased motivation, patriotic education, volunteering and participation in socially significant projects and events.</p> <p><strong>Key words:</strong> prevention, terrorism, violence, anti-terrorist values, anti-terrorist attitudes, critical thinking.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Sciences