Improve the quality of human capital.


  • T. Aһmetov. Қостанай мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты
        107 50


human capital, the 12-year education, national, local and global culture,


In the article the role of human capital in today’s society, social values, and the quality of their rattirwdagi topical issues. The transition to 12-year education is the only way to improve the quality of human capital. The transition to 12-year education is the only way to improve the quality of human capital. After all, the 12-year education system, there has been a significant change in society and the development of relations between the people of the formation of the new entity is the demand of time. Education of young generation, education and the future of the country to handle the task of every teacher. In order to achieve these objectives, a significant and large-scale changes in the development of the field of education. Became a teacher at the school, their knowledge and skills, intelligence or good, sensible and calm people directly related to the improvement of instruction as a school teacher. There the teacher saying so heavy a load of confidence, but also should not forget that his talented son. However, dedicated, receive news and tolerance, national asildarin personality to enhance disciples near the station master is the only person worthy of today.


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How to Cite

Aһmetov. T. (2016). Improve the quality of human capital. Journal of Educational Sciences, 45(2). Retrieved from



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