Role of innovative technology in forming of social competence at schools of students


  • G. A. Askarova Абaй aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық педaгогикaлық университеті
        26 33


competence, innovation, educational technology,


One pair from new approach in pedagogics appear like this call social point of view at teaching and so education, grow up so-called generation. In the article the model of formation of social competence of students. Its feature – active participation in school parents ‘ socialization of students. This model takes into account verbal, activity and role-playing aspects of socialization. Point of view usable in nvestigation unite associate always link constitution social competent making personality in united chain this promote maximum motivation proactive state all fundamental skeleton component personality in their addition and combination. The maintenance of competence includes motivation, personality, cognitive, and behavioral components. Theoretical foundation of the process is based on personality-oriented, reflective, competence-based approaches, selfconcept of personality. This model takes into account verbal, activity and role-playing aspects of socialization. As a result, the author predicts the development of socially competent personality of the pupil.


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