The organization of a laboratory practical work at study of physics in high school


  • L. G. Kasenova Кaзaхский университет экономики,финaнсов и междунaродной торговли
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laboratory practical, physical experiment, information technology, virtual labs, teaching and research activities,


In order to integrate theory and practice in higher education has recently become widespread integrated laboratory work carried out on a broad technical background with a variety of equipment under conditions
close to reality, which will operate the future specialist. Laboratory studies in physics – is a type of independent practical work of students, which by means of experiments going on deepening and consolidation of theoretical knowledge for the benefit of professional training. The development and
application of virtual laboratory works (VLR) in education in general and in engineering education, in particular, is actively debated in recent years. VLR to some extent substitute for missing in universities modern expensive equipment, first of all necessary for the training of engineers. However, it should be clearly understood that any computer technology will not eliminate the possibility of the audience of this equipment samples without a sharp decline in the quality of education. VLR can only be regarded as an
auxiliary tool of the educational process. For the sufficient full physical experiment requires appropriate equipment.


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