External valuation of educational achiements in higher education.


  • T. Zh. Intimakov Ұлттық тестілеу орталығы, Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қ.
  • Sh. B. Altybayeva Ұлттық тестілеу орталығы, Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қ.
  • K. E. Baimbetova Ұлттық тестілеу орталығы, Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қ.
  • T. N. Skabayeva Ұлттық тестілеу орталығы, Қазақстан Республикасы, Астана қ.
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educational monitoring, interim state control, external valuation of educational achievements, clustering,


The article presents the technology of estimation of quality of knowledge of students, the goals and tasks of the intermediate state control, peculiarities of the implementation stages. Disclosed in 5 steps. In conditions of realization of the concept of «education, result-oriented» and «development of education quality in Kazakhstan introduced a system of external assessment of student achievements. Necessity, goals and objectives, particularly the introduction of external assessment of student achievements, also the analysis of the results of external assessment of student achievements. The statistical material on the implementation and carrying out of the intermediate state control (ISC) and external assessment of student achievements in Kazakhstan (intermediate state control) since 2004 till the present time. In the external evaluation of educational achievements accept students 4 courses of full-time and correspondence forms of training. Noteworthy are the data of the last three years (2011-2013) indicators of delivery of the intermediate state control of students of the educational, legal, economic, agricultural, scientifi c, medical, technical and technological specialties. The diagrams results of the external evaluation of the achievements by the types of higher education institutions: national, state, non-civil, corporate and private universities. Given the score distribution of the estimates and statistical data on the number of students who passed intermediate state control «excellent», «good», «satisfactory», «unsatisfactory», and the average score for the Republic. Two economic specialties «fi nances», «accounting and audit» presents data in comparison the average for the Republic and from one of the universities. The website of the National testing center – www.testcenter.kz


1 Қазақстан Республикасының «Білім туралы» Заңы. – Астана, 2007.
2 ҚР БҒМ 2012 жылғы 6 сəуіріндегі № 151 бұйрығымен бекітілген Қазақстан Республикасының білім беру ұйымдарында оқу жетістіктерін сырттай бағалауды өткізу жөніндегі нұсқаулық. – Астана, 2012.


