Methods of Development by Creative Abilities at the Lessons of «Self-cognition»
subject «Self-cognition», creative education, creativity, spirituality,Abstract
In the article the questions of creative learning students at the present stage. One of the urgent tasks - improving the scientific level of tasks presented to student. To develop in students the skills of a versatile cognitive actions is an important requirement for the learning process of the school,including through a new subject «Self-cognition». Due to the subject «Self-cognition» the child can Express their true feelings.
By studying the subject «Self- cognition», the child tries to understand difficult, complex language of the subject, develops his moral and spiritual «I». The subject «Self-cognition» teaches the child deeply nderstand, grasp, and then to build an attitude to life, to appreciate beauty, truth and kindness to yourself and to others. The paper describes the purpose and objectives of teaching the subject «Self-cognition» with the use of creative methods and forms of training and education. Justified the use of the creative exercise: to draw a picture on the topic, storytelling, writing stories, parables, and more. The ability to stimulate the creativity of students is an important property of pedagogical skill of the teacher «Self-cognition». Pedagogical system of introducing students to creative work includes numerous interactive training, research training, educational training, optimization of the training process.
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