Teaching foreign language in higher education: development of a new concept and modeling new communication technologies


  • G. M. Sarsenbayeva КaзУМО и МЯ имени Абылaй хaнa, к.п.н., доцентт кaфедры Бaзового aнглийского языкa
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The article deals with applied problems of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic environment
and for non-linguistic specialties in the perspective of new learning paradigms using modern teaching
technologies. The results of the research show the need to develop a new modern concept of teaching
a foreign language as a language for professional communication. The methodological basis of such
concept can serve as the key for methods of teaching aimed at teaching strategies in non-linguistic environment.
The paradigm of learning a foreign language undergoes several stages of its development,
depending on the target task that this or that time puts forward. Current approaches of teaching foreign
languages with all its uniqueness and effectiveness was used in Soviet period and the labor market of that
time, now it requires a cardinal revision due to the fact that not only the target task of studying foreign
languages has changed, but the market demand as well. At present, higher tasks are imposed on a foreign
language, which are dictated by the labor market, where the goal of learning is to master a foreign
language not only for extracting information from foreign sources and reading literature, but mostly for
professional communication. The era of globalization, integration of systems, business processes, all this
requires mastering a foreign language at a professional level.


How to Cite

Sarsenbayeva, G. M. (2018). Teaching foreign language in higher education: development of a new concept and modeling new communication technologies. Journal of Educational Sciences, 54(1), 70–77. Retrieved from https://bulletin-pedagogic-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-ped/article/view/493



Teaching Methodology of Disciplines