Inclusive education: technology of successful adaptation of students of «Group at risk»


  • Z Sadvakassova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        44 84


In the paper is studying the experience of students’ adaptation with special needs at the Faculty of
Philosophy and Political Science of al-Farabi KazNU in pedagogical specialties. The generalization of
the experience of educational and upbringing work affects the time interval from 2012 academic year
to the present. Directly in the specialties of «Pedagogy and Psychology», «Social Pedagogy and Selfknowledge
», more than 300 young specialists were graduated, 4 of them with special needs. Graduates
with special needs not only completed a full course in specialties, but also now successfully realize
themselves in the society, helping to develop not only to themselves, but to adapt to other pupils who
need pedagogical support. As a result of the generalization of experience, a comprehensive concept
was developed, how to accompany and facilitate the successful adaptation of students with disabilities
in higher school. This concept, through an integrated and systematic approach, includes tools and integrated
technologies for the successful adaptation of students at the «risk group»: an inclusive office, technology «Social Modeling», technology «Tutor», technology «Roadmap» («Meeting» form), «Teacher
Support» «,» Walking «technology,» Team collaboration «technology,» Consultation «technology, Mobile
School technology. In this model, we tested the role of assistant «Tutor» and assistant (volunteer) from
fellow classmates. The concept integrates the results of an analysis of the survey of specialists from inclusive
educational organizations in Almaty and the positive results of the university’s practice.
Key words: inclusions, students with special needs, support technologies, coach technologies.






Theory and methodology of upbringing work