Formation of Creative A ctivity of students Through Club Activities


  • U Toleshova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        50 37


The artic!e is devoted to the deve!opment o f students' creative abi!ities through independent activi­ ties, inc!uding participation in the c!ub w ork o f the university. Creativity is the human desire for se!f-re- a!ization in !ife. The deve!opment of a person's creative abi!ities strengthens a person's spiritua! strength, he!ps to  find  his own way  in  !ife, to  rea!ize  himse!f. The main  feature o f creative activity  is associated w ith the deve!opment o f human abi!ities. Creative achievements are not on!y persona! resu!ts, but con­ tribute to the deve!opment o f society as a who!e. The purpose o f the artic!e is a theoretica! and practica! substantiation of the creative activity o f students in the conditions o f the c!ub w ork of the university.

Based on the ana!ysis o f the !iterature, the objectives o f the students' c!ub w ork were determined, the history o f the deve!opment o f c!ub w ork was brief!y disc!osed. The task o f experimenta! and peda- gogica! w ork was to deve!op the creative activity o f students in c!ub w ork. 106 students of the specia!ties "Pedagogy and Psycho!ogy", "Socia! Pedagogy and Se!f-Cognition" o f A!-Farabi Kazakh Nationa! Uni­ versity took part in the experimenta! and pedagogica! w ork, inc!uding 47 students in the experimenta! group and 59 students in the contro! group. when questioning, 38 % o f students reported that they were participating in the university's c!ub activities, and 68% did  not answer whether they were participating in c!ub activities.

At the same time, 64% o f respondents said that they are engaged in extracurricu!ar free tim e acting, deve!oping a cu!ture o f speech, making creative works, active!y speaking, meeting ce!ebrities, organiz­ ing concert events and much more. A program o f activities of the student c!ub "Shabyt" was deve!oped, the students participated  in the w ork o f the c!ub "Shabyt".

Key words: creative activity, abi!ities, ta!ent, c!ub, c!ub w ork, student c!ub.


How to Cite

Toleshova, U. (2019). Formation of Creative A ctivity of students Through Club Activities. Journal of Educational Sciences, 57(4), 48–61. Retrieved from



Theory and methodology of upbringing work