He image of the teacher in the national media of Kazakhstan.


  • G. K. Smanova Назарбаев Университеті Жоғары білім беру мектебі, Астана қ.
        38 31


design, image of teacher, media, Kazakhstan, educator,


The article discusses the role of the media in the construction of the image of the teacher-educator. The study shows that in the post-Soviet States in political, economic and social reasons, the teaching profession has not been able to get a wide and high appreciation. The study highlights that the concept of the image of the teacher, school teachers need to pay attention to the media, as it is an information platform and their function is the formation of public opinion. The article discusses the subject of education, namely the construction of the image of the teachereducator in national publications such as «Egemen Kazakhstan» and «Kazakhstan Pravda» for the period from February 2013 to January 2014. Along with the dominant discourses of priority were also «responsibility in the upbringing of the younger generation», «professional development», «financial incentives» that had to do with teachers. The researcher found that in the Newspapers «Egemen Kazakhstan» and «Kazakhstan Pravda» was not observed bilingual same lighting materials, which are inherent in some Kazakh and Russian-language edition in the country. This is due to the fact that both Newspapers are national publications.


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How to Cite

Smanova, G. K. (2016). He image of the teacher in the national media of Kazakhstan. Journal of Educational Sciences, 43(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-pedagogic-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-ped/article/view/78



Psychological and pedagogical problems of professional education