About the development of computer games for preschoolers


  • A. I. Tajigulova АО «Национальный центр информатизации», г. Алматы
  • E. T. Nurgalieva АО «Национальный центр информатизации», г. Алматы
  • E. V. Artykbaeva АО «Национальный центр информатизации», г. Алматы
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computer games, preschoolers, state standard, Informatization of education,


The article analyzes the experience of Kazakhstan on the creation and implementation of computer games for preschoolers. The article includes the following sections: introduction, «Computer games and SES requirements for graduates of pre-school education», «Testing computer games», conclusion. The analysis showed that games in the Kazakh language a little. In the framework of the project of the National center of Informatization developed 10 games in the Kazakh and Russian languages. This: «Spider, Ant and swallow»; «Why the Birch juice, sweet?!»; «When it happens?»; Nauryz holiday», «Cross the road»; «Home and street safety»; «be well-mannered»; «Dispute animals»; «Who is stronger?»; «the Elephant and the monkey». Testing games was held in the kindergarten of Astana. For a formative experiment were selected, one group with training in the Kazakh language («Zhuldyz» – 20 children), and two groups in the Russian language («Altyn balyk» and «Baldauren» – 20 children), the total number of pupils of preschool age amounted to 40 people. Before conducting the testing was conducted surveys and interviews of teachers of the experimental groups, conversations with children and their parents to identify the current state of the level of training of the children to the school and the development of their key competencies. The guys got the skills to evaluate their actions and the actions of fairy-tale characters, and I learned some ethical norms and values of human society began to show greater empathy and tolerance. Computer learning games expand and enrich innovative information-educational environment of pre-school education and training, the use of computer games has a positive effect on the expansion of horizons, the development of logical thinking, the formation of basic skills of reading, writing, counting and experience of linguistic communication, skills of safe behavior, respect for elders and peers, and so on.


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How to Cite

Tajigulova, A. I., Nurgalieva, E. T., & Artykbaeva, E. V. (2016). About the development of computer games for preschoolers. Journal of Educational Sciences, 43(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-pedagogic-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-ped/article/view/84