Modern Technology for the Coping Behavior of a Teenager in the Work by Educator- Psychologist.


  • Z. M. Sadvakassova. Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        33 19


deviant behavior, negative tendencies of a deviantology, prevention, correction of the rejecting behavior, modern technologies, coping behavior, teenager, psychologist-teacher,


In this article there was covered conceptual basis of realization of technologies in teenagers behaviour. By E. V. Zmanovskaya, Yu. V. Rybnikov the tendencies of the development ofthe science learning of deviant behavior: continuing growth in the number of individual deviations; the restructuring of social deviance; qualitative and quantitative changes of group deviations. In cognitive therapy it is proposed to develop cognitive, emotional and behavioral skills and then to provide practice these skills. Cognitive therapy against stressors involves three basic steps or phases: a) cognitive training; b) the acquisition of skills and their recurrence; c) in practical lessons. There is explained current possibilities of psycho-pedagogigcal applications of current approaches to the problem of children’s deviated behavior. Solution of deviated behavior in society is possible by applying new technologies (cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, rational-emotive behavioral therapy, behavioral sitting, cognitive-behavioral therapy) in the prophylactic activity of psychologist-pedagogue. Only in complex approach, which is oriented to current tendencies of development of science and education, there is possibility of development of general methodological approach in prophylaxis and correction of undesired behavior, which will be realized in integration of different humanistic and scientific theories and conceptions.


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