Diagnostics forms in foreign language education in the conditions of competency-based approach.


  • M. A. Kassymbekova. Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана
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foreign language education, competence, intercultural communicative competence, diagnostics, competence diagnostics, diagnostics methods


The article highlights the problem of forming students’ intercultural communicative competence in higher educational establishments. This problem is revealed according to modernization of higher professional education. The article is dedicated to the problem of the use of creative technologies in formation of intercultural – communicative competence. The article highlights the problem of diagnostics of students’ intercultural communicative competence at higher educational establishments. New conception of quality of education, supposes a transition from the evaluation of knowledge to the evaluation of students’ competenses at higher educational establishments. Management of an educational process and quality of education, the observance of standards and norms is realized hrough the system of monitoring, which involves the systematic diagnostics, to detect any noncompliance with the standards and control, to perform an adequate evaluation. Knowledge of the diagnostics methods of the intercultural communicative competence and its constituents is an important component of teacher’s professional activity in foreign language education and it must be applied systematiclly. It is necessary to study these methods and implement them as an obligatory component of educational process. In the article the analysis of existing definitions of concepts «competence», «intercultural communicative competence», and «diagnostics» is also conducted.


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How to Cite

Kassymbekova., M. A. (2016). Diagnostics forms in foreign language education in the conditions of competency-based approach. Journal of Educational Sciences, 45(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-pedagogic-sc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-ped/article/view/309