The Objectives of the Vocal Teacher in the Education of the Modern Student


  • U. Zh. Dosanova Кaзaхский нaционaльный педaгогический университет имени Aбaя
        48 26


Vocals, repertoire, education of students, pedagogical skills,


The article dealt with teacher problems of education modern students.Is always a student, a teacher in one of the most prestigious. Students have daily contact with the teacher is leading the impact of its educational capacity. A true teacher always think about the fate of their students. In his spare time, he chooses the repertoire of exercises for students and think about their way of life, behavior, choice of literary and artistic works and helps the growth of the votes. It is very important to choose the repertoire for the development of a sense of aesthetic specialty. The repertoire of classical, pop and folk songs and to be enriched. Out of the tactical ability of the vocal repertoire is particularly dangerous for the voice of the students.Irrational slow the growth of selected student’s vocal compositions,
and even can cause direct harm. The structure of the level of preparation of the artistic works of an artist music, rhythm patterns, musical harmony, songs and music and support should be given to.


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How to Cite

Dosanova, U. Z. (2017). The Objectives of the Vocal Teacher in the Education of the Modern Student. Journal of Educational Sciences, 47(1). Retrieved from