A reflection of the Teachings of Al-Farabi in the Paradigms by Education


  • N. S. Alkozhayeva Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • А. С. Alkozhayeva Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        26 126


education paradigm, innovative education, innovative teaching methods, teaching, spiritual value,


In the article the authors examine the education paradigm, the essence of innovative teaching methods and how they are reflected in the works of the great philosopher Al-Farabi . Modern trends of development of education is humanization, humanitarization, democratization, decentralization,differentiation, individualization. The ideas of al-Farabi correspond to the humanistic paradigm of education. Strategy three-language education in
Kazakhstan as knowledge, behaviorists, humanistic paradigm in common and can rely on the works of al-Farabi. As well as the author emphasizes that in the context of the development of a knowledge education plays the most important role in the society for the successful development of the country. The content of modern training and parenting includes these three areas of upbringing: to bring up a free person; to bring up the moral
person; to raise humane, ethical identity, that is, the problem of education and personal improvement to be seen in interaction, continuity and consistency with national traditions, humanity and spirituality.


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