The Formation the System of Values of High School Students as Subjects of Civil Society by Means of Project Activities.


  • G. A. Nazarenko Черкасский областной институт последипломного образования педагогических работников, г. Черкассы
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upbringing of the person, school upbringing, experimental work, democratic values, project activities, project work,


The article highlights the main results of the experimental work in Talne secondary school №2 of Talne district council of Cherkassy region as for formation the system of moral, political and legal values of high school students as subjects of civil society. The teaching staff explored the potential of the project activities in promoting the awareness of democratic values in students. The article describes the educational activities – integrated project «Festival of student presentations «Law in Ukraine and the world», conference «law Enforcement bodies of Ukraine», «History of democracy and human rights in Ukraine», «All different, but equal», «Know and realize their rights and freedoms», the project «School my eyes» and «the City of my eyes,» project «Territory of a clean environment, school forum theatre, school of electronic Newspapers «Big change», socio-civic Internet project «In whose hands Ukraine’s fate?» Environmental telecommunication project «Native nature «for help». Results from the current monitoring and control diagnosis showed the effectiveness of the project activities for formation of pupils in the system of democratic values. methodical recommendations on use of the educational potential of the project activities in organizing the participation of high school students.


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