Museums in Modern Education: the History of the Problem.


  • V. К. Delibaltova, Доктор PhD, профессор Софийского университета им. Св. Климента Охридского, г. София
  • Zh. Sh. Baktybayev Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Жетысуского государственного университета им.Ильяса Жансугурова, г.Талдыкорган
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the history of modern education, the museum education, the museum school, the museum reading room,


The connection of the Museum in the educational process promotes the formation of historical, psychological, pedagogical competence of future specialist. In article references to researches of the European scientists A.Verniu, E. Medvedeva, A. Likhtvark, G. Kershenshteyner, G. Froydental, J. Dewey, etc. are used. At the international level there is a serious theoretical material and the practical experience connected with specifi cs and opportunities of realization the educational function of the museums. Possibilities of its use are presented in the article in work with children and teenagers, and also competence of the museum expert having the biggest responsibility for development the educational capacity of the museum and its educational activity. The proof of needing such expert and his qualifi cation remains a problem of modern time. Considered historical aspects of development of museums with educational specifi cs in Germany, USA, Austria, Russia, Bulgaria. Also in article the perspective of the questions connected with why less attention is paid to discipline «Museum Education» is investigated. Findings are presented in the conclusion about emergence and development of museum and pedagogical thought, the historical prospect of the museum, pedagogical theory and practice. Article discusses the problems of issues related to implementation and development of the course – discipline «Museum pedagogic».


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