Approaches and paradigms of formation of pedagogical creativity of students.


  • К. Nagymzhanova С.Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университетінің бастауыш білім берудің теориясы мен əдістемесі кафедрасының меңгерушісі
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paradigm, innovation technology, university, pedagogical system,


In this article scientifi c achievements which during certain time give model of statement of problems of preparation of the expert are defi ned by the concept «paradigm». The system of ideas, scientifi c representations allowing to solve theoretical and practical problems of preparation of teachers are analyzed. Change of paradigms to pedagogical science is considered as an important condition and the precondition of public progress and allows more effectively and to infl uence formation of creativity of students successfully. The proposed model of the psychological-pedagogical bases of formation of creativity of teachers. The model consists of three chunks. The fi rst chunk is the development of the creative abilities of students in the conditions of innovativeeducational environment of the University for educational activity. Second chunk- readiness of service providers to the application of innovative technologies in the educational process of the University. Third chunk- entry students of pedagogical communication in the innovation environment of the University of using technology Analysis on the study of creativity is possible to fi nd common regularities and peculiarities of professional andragogic. Rational features of creativity of personality intellectual-heuristic quality creative personality originate from the system, values and multilevel education.


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Psychological and pedagogical problems of professional education