Study on the Problem of Auditory Control in Pedagogics of Musical Education
Тhe article raises one of the most important psychological – pedagogical problems of piano learning. Such a complex and multifaceted problem, as the development of the ability of the auditory control in-piano students feel the need its scientific review for a long time. This ability allows the pianist to reveal the fullness of the artistic image of a musical work and expressively embody it on the instrument. In the leading role of the abilities there were pointed out by many famous musicians – teachers. For three centuries auditory-control function of consciousness pianist-performer has repeatedly been subjected to methodical consideration at the empirical level. However, despite the general recognition of the critical role of the auditory control in interpretive activities, the nature of the operation that underlies this ability has not yet been investigated. The most important is the question of the development of the ability to control the hearing students – pianists of younger school age. Although the identity of the manifestations of the basic laws of regulatory functions from the artists of all age groups for younger students is characterized by specific features in their physiological and psychological development. In this regard,it becomes necessary to identify the age and characteristics of the relevant pedagogical conditions of formation and development of the ability to control the hearing students – pianists of younger school age. We believe that the primary school age – the most sensitive period for the formation of the ability to control the hearing, determine the prospects for further creative development of all students.
Key words: education, piano training, ability, auditory control, pianists, students, art image, music, primary school age, creative development, education, teacher.