Art Therapy Training in the Preparation of Educator-Psychologists and Social Educators of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


  • V. Maikovich Художник, Член Союза художников Казахстана, Республика Казахстан, г. Тараз
        20 20


intuitive painting, art-therapy, functions, art therapy, psychological-pedagogical environment,


In modern psychological-pedagogical practice of art therapy is widely used for work with children and adults. In the article discusses functions of art therapy: diagnostic, communicative, regulatory, cognitive, correctional and developmental. The paper considers possibilities of art-therapy and purpose of art-therapeutic work. Development of creative abilities impossible without specially organized psychological-pedagogical environment which participants are immersed in the creative process as in the stream. The described technology of carrying out the master-class on intuitive painting, held for students of specialty «Pedagogic and psychology», «Social educator and self-cognition» of the faculty of philosophy and science of the al-Farabi Kazakh national University. Training of art-therapeutic technology for intuitive painting was tested in the Treasury. The training consisted of three stages: diagnostics, correction and development. Used exercise «the wizard and the duck», exercises candidate Popes – «Asterisk», «Waterfall of light», «Predictor». This training can be called psychological training on iso-therapy. Students freely wrote their works using all the available materials – paper and canvas, acrylic and watercolor paints, brushes and pencils. Students, on the one hand, and developed their creative abilities, on the other hand, have mastered the art-therapeutic technology.


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Psychological and pedagogical problems of professional education