Methods of Teaching Music: listening to Music in Primary School


  • T. U. Gagloyeva Kazgoszenpu
        91 135


This article prepares music teacher of primary classes to the ability to talk about music, express impressions about music, determine the main thing, to do a simple analysis based on the means of musical expression, to be able to compare and contrast genres, finding in them a common and a distinctive part , to develop musical thinking in children. Further development occurs in a more detailed study of different types of music (song, march, dance). Searching, problematical nature of learning, based on active perception and performance of music by students, knowledge of its specific characteristics, becomes fundamental throughout the learning process. The lessons of the hearing in each quarter have a clearly marked theme. For example, in the 1st grade, these are 3 whales of music: a song, a dance, a march. The main thing that the teacher seeks and achieves is using these 3 “whales” - the connection of music with life and school activities. Reliance on a song, a dance and a march allow the children to actively and interestedly perceive music, sounding outside the school. Everyone should leave the classroom like a music festival, in which they are the main participants.
Key words: learning music, musical thinking, listening to music.


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How to Cite

Gagloyeva, T. U. (2018). Methods of Teaching Music: listening to Music in Primary School. Journal of Educational Sciences, 52(3), 66–69. Retrieved from