To the question about psychological peculiarities of children of preschool age, affecting the success of studying of foreign languages.


  • K. A. Yakimova Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков, г. Алматы
        14 27


foreign language, psychological characteristics, memory, attention, thinking, imagination, kindergarten,


On the question of the psychological characteristics of children of preschool age, affecting the success of mastering a foreign language. Foreign language education as one of the components of the overall system of republican education cannot be considered outside the context of the environment in which it operates and develops. Expanding the integration processes, the growth of professional and scientifi c exchanges, deepen international cooperation and collaboration in the last decade stimulated the progressive development of foreign language education. The initial stage of learning a foreign language is very important because of its success depends on the success in mastering the subject in subsequent phases. Moreover, it was initially implemented methodical system, forming the basis for learning a foreign language. The issues related to the further development of methods of early foreign language training and preparation program. Proceedings of both domestic and foreign authors confi rm the importance of this subject for the implementation of long-term objectives of personal development, such as the increase in the average level of education; increase the requirements for the general culture, the formation of readiness for interethnic and intercultural cooperation. Given the results of research in the fi eld of early learning that took place in Kazakhstan and Russia, one could argue that his use repeatedly proven that learning a foreign language at an early age is useful for all children, regardless of their starting abilities. This article discusses the psychological characteristics of children of preschool age, contributing to the successful mastery of a foreign language. In developing methodical complexes on early learning of foreign languages should be a primary consideration the age characteristics of preschool children, such as thinking, remembering, memory and attention. Visualfi gurative thinking, involuntary memory, involuntary memory and attention, as well as reproductive imagination of children 5-6 years require foreign language teacher organization of the learning process, in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children. Learning a foreign language with preschool children – a search for new approaches to the problem of formation of the individual in multilingual republics such as Kazakhstan


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