Organization of Higher Musical Education in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria: Comparative Aspect


  • A. B. Mukasheva Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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music education, comparative education, comparative pedagogics,


In this article the comparative analysis of the organization of higher musical education in the leading countries of Europe – legislator’s musical fashion. In particular mapped system of higher musical education of the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, which has its own traditions and history of higher musical education in accordance with the specifi city of their culture and country. Analyze foreign system of music education differs from the Kazakhstani content, teaching methods, the essence of higher musical educational establishments and the list of specialties. The article emphasizes that in connection with the processes of globalization, increased social role of education, since the effi ciency of education today largely depend on the prospects of development of mankind. Education, especially higher, in the modern world is the leading factor of economic and social progress. In the article the system of musical education in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, in comparison with the Kazakhstani system of musical education, according to the researchers, wins in the aspect of openness to innovation, fl exibility in developing new fi elds of music education. The author notes that the study of the experience of the organization and development of higher musical education in different countries at the present stage, makes it possible on the basis of the received information to strengthen the organizational and methodological components of higher musical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This analysis shows that the common goals and objectives, the similarity in the training of musicians-performers, conductors, theorists, and others, necessitates further deepening international cooperation in the fi eld of music education. According to the author demand in the West innovative approaches to organizing musical education should be introduced in all global system of music education in accordance with the specifi cs of the region to strengthen the training of specialists with higher musical education.


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