The introduction of new educational technologies in higher educational institutions on the base of independent students’ work, by the subject of «Academic Drawing»


  • Zh. B. Slanova Абай атындағы Қазақ мемлекеттік педагогикалық университеті, Алматы қ.
        18 70


individualization, personality development, indifferent user of knowledge, outdated technics,


Due to new educational paradigm directed to the personality development, the important task of modern educational institutions is the transformation of their own systems. Among this, educational process have to not only arm the student with knowledge and skills, but also by developing his personality, prepare him to creative work and bring him to the new level of self-development. Pedagogical science and life itself are setting new tasks to the educational institutions. One of these tasks is the development and creation of new, systematized and effective methods of organization of independent work.


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