The Role of Pedagogy of Cooperation in The Development of Student Personality


  • M Murzagulova Казахский Национальный университет имени аль-Фарабифакультет философии и полиологиикафедра педагогики образовательного менеджмента

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The article discusses the development of the personality of a future teacher based on the approaches of pedagogy of cooperation, summarizes the innovative experience of conducting classes in the discipline “Pedagogy of cooperation” with innovative teaching methods, analyzes the scientific foundations of the theory and practice of applying the approaches of pedagogy of cooperation. The foundations were humanistic theories of education, the concept of the development of a child’s personality, the theory of the development of student creativity, the theory of self-awareness and self-development of a person. One of the main principles of pedagogy of cooperation is to take into account the individual characteristics of students, their identification and development in the pedagogical process. In the theoretical bases of the subject the approaches of pedagogical innovators of the last century were summarized. The aricle argues the effectiveness of this technology for the modern education. The experience and teaching methodology of the “Pedagogy of Cooperation” course at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is summarized.  For example class sessions were analized. The survey involved 47 students of the specialties “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Social Pedagogy and Self-Cognition”. A content analysis of their answers was carried out. The answers were divided into three groups of styles of collaboration between educators and students.  Indirectly, students’ answers show the “readiness / unavailability” of future teachers to switch to a criteria-based assessment system at school. In general, students choose a “style of cooperation with students” and talk about the need for “respecting the boundaries of the individual”, “conscious development of an understanding of the boundaries of the individual”. Key words: friendly pedagogy, teaching principles, student, personality, result, mutual understanding, learning together, group work.






Teaching Methodology of Disciplines