History of management of methodical work in pre-school institution.


  • S. M. Nurbekovа Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті
        100 139


Diagnostics, methodical work, creativity, professional competence, pedagogical system, innovative technologies, improvement of the management, pedagogical diagnostics, effective methods,


The article gives a brief исорический review of problems of management of the methodological work in the preschool institution; the question is raised of the modernization of the management систомой of the methodological work in the field of education. Рассматриваюся two approaches of many researchers to the problem of managing the educational system. The author останаваливается the historical-methodical and scientific-theoretical studies, which reveal the value of the methodological work in pre-school institutions, pre-school education. Paying attention to the development of the methodological work of pre-school institutions, the author gives характеритсику several stages of management of the methodological work in the preschool institution. In the opinion of the author of the article, in the management of the methodological work effective means is the pedagogical diagnostics. In the review of pedagogical and methodical works proves the idea of allocation of pedagogical diagnostics as an effective method of control. In the management activities of pre-school educational institutions diagnostics of the methodological work is based on the objectives of the action: identification of learning outcomes and воспитаниея identify gaps in training and education, etc. At revealing of the results of the training and education of preschool children, do not conform to the objectives it is planned to conduct remedial works, planning of further ways of the organization of training and education, and more. In the process of management of the methodological work of pre-school educational institution on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics, it was established that in the pedagogical process educators should use the individual-oriented methods, as they allow you to reach in a very short time the planned objectives of training and education of preschool children. Innovative methods in the organization of classes in preschool institution will help in creating a strong methodological system of pre-school institutions; facilitate the process of managing it. However, requires new methods of pedagogical diagnostics of the educational process of pre-school institutions, to monitor the results in the methodical work of teachers and the results of the development of preschool children.


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