Structural and contextual features of the standard of secondary education, developed by the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


  • A. В. Aitbayeva Ученый секретарь УМС РУМС по группе специальностей «Образование» на базе Казахского национального педагогического университета им. Абая
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среднее образование, стандарт образования, профильное обучение, 12-летнее образование, типовой учебный план, вариативность обучения, национальное воспитание, орта білім беру, білім беру стандарты, профильді оқыту, 12 жылдық білім беру, типтік оқу жоспары,


In the article the author analyzes the existing problems of the system of secondary education in Kazakhstan. The article determines the leading principles of modern education: learning for life (life long learning – LLL), education for peace and accord, education as a factor of progress, social partnership in the reform of education. Based on the principle of social partnership of the education reform proposed project страндарта secondary education of Kazakhstan, developed by the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University. Studied переводой foreign experience, and analyzed the experimental experience of introduction of 12-years education in 50 schools of Kazakhstan. Scheduled up further way of development, рассматрены and describes the structure and content features developed in KazNPU named after Abai standard 12-year secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Draft standard contains normative requirements to the volume of the load on the various levels of education. The project offers 13 profiles of the two directions of specialized schools. Proposed a model curriculum of secondary education. The article includes the following sections: introduction, «Leading principles of the project of the standard of secondary education», «the Main directions of professional training», conclusion. In the basic curriculum in the list of state specialized components included the obligatory subjects of choice: • «The basics of philosophy», • «Fundamentals of logic», • «Bases of ecology», • «The art of public speaking», • «Артвоспитание», • «Computer science and ICT», • «National education». The subject of «National education» – a means of formation at pupils of national self-consciousness, spiritual and moral values, the education of their socially active members of society, responsible for the development and preservation of the spiritual values of the national culture. Recommended 13 profiles of training will provide: the possibility of adaptation of the structure and content of education at senior school level to the needs of higher education; to bring the structure of the curriculum of professional training to the University at the expense of transition to senior school level to поликомпетентной the structure of the basic curriculum; the differentiation of the content of education on three components (state General education component, the state Duma component, the variable component of the organization of education), which have different functions in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Aitbayeva A. В. (2016). Structural and contextual features of the standard of secondary education, developed by the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Journal of Educational Sciences, 38(1). Retrieved from