Continuity of the Theory of "Living Knowledge" by A. Baitursynuly and the Teachings of Al-Farabi and Abai: Methods of Teaching the Kazakh Language


  • Zh. Dauletbekova Kazakh-British Technical university, Kazakhastan, Almaty
  • K. Ray Kazakh-British Technical university, Kazakhastan, Almaty
  • A. Nabidullin Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • K.S. Aldasheva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan,Almaty

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In the introductory part of the article, the meaning of the theory of Akymet Baitursynuly "Tiri bilim" is revealed. The article discusses the ways of implementing the theory of Akymen Baitursynuly "Tiri bilim" in the modern education system.

The relationship between the theory of A. Baitursynuly and the opinions of thinkers Uly Dala, like al-Farabi and Abai Kunanbaev, is revealed. The principles of thinkers are studied in the sequence "Teaching - Science - Education".

The main direction of al-Farabi's teachings about the "integrity of education and upbringing" is the strengthening of education through the content of the discipline. Since education cannot be given without education, without education the meaning of education will be lost.

At the same time, education in the educational process should not consist only of didactic content in educational texts. In the process of studying and theoretical materials should be aimed at showing the importance and role of the native language in human life. This is fully compatible with the theory of "manis bilim" established by A. Baitursynuly.

The article also analyzes the categories of "мulakhazа" and "muchafaza" according to the works of Abay. In the process of teaching the Kazakh language, their importance was revealed as the main mechanism for the formation of conscious knowledge of students.In this regard, the importance of language communication skills formed during the performance of pair and group tasks is shown.

The conclusion emphasizes the need to take into account the harmony of the ideas of al-Farabi, Abai Kunanbaev and Akymet Baitursynov when determining priority areas for teaching the Kazakh language.

Keywords: education system, the theory of "tiri bilim", teaching the Kazakh language, functional literacy, worldview, teaching, "manis bilim/meaningful knowledge", "adis bilim/methodological knowledge".




How to Cite

Dauletbekova Ж., Ray Қ. ., Nabidullin А., & Aldasheva К. . (2024). Continuity of the Theory of "Living Knowledge" by A. Baitursynuly and the Teachings of Al-Farabi and Abai: Methods of Teaching the Kazakh Language. Journal of Educational Sciences, 79(2), 180–190.



Teaching Methodology of Disciplines