Using ICT in teaching a foreign language as a means of preparing students for creative activity


  • А. Tolbassiyeva M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Kazakhstan, Shymkent
  • G. Lekerova M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Kazakhstan, Shymkent
  • A. Ussenova M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Kazakhstan, Shymkent



In the article, the use of ICT in the process of teaching a foreign language is considered as a means of preparing students for creative activity.Information and communication technologies allow to search, process and master various sources of information, use various programs.This forms in students, as future teachers of a foreign language, the mastery of language material for use in speech form, the perception of personal statements and their logical connection, the ability to verbally and non-verbally compensate for gaps, as well as the degree of familiarity with the sociocultural context of the language, and readiness for creative activity.

The authors highlight the following characteristics of the information and educational environment: systematic (creation of educational programs that require a consumer, preparation of a set of software and methodological aids for the discipline of all cycles); multimedia tools (visualization of educational material, improving the quality of new didactics, software and methodological support for organizing interactive interaction with students based on logical means and telecommunications capabilities); requirements for the content of training (availability of textbooks and teaching aids, taking into account the requirements of teachers and students, the possibility of them actively changing elements of the environment). 99 students of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University took part in the diagnostic study. The creative potential of students was assessed using E. Tunnik’s questionnaire, as well as students’ opinions using the author’s questionnaire on the effectiveness of the learning process.

Keywords: creativity, activity, creative activity, personality activity, information and communication technologies, electronic educational resources, digital educational resources, absorbed funds, educational environment.





Teaching Methodology of Disciplines