Social Pedagogue’s Ethnosocial Work with Pupils


  • N. Algozhaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • K. Rysbekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        42 217


The purpose of the paper is to reveal the essence and content of ethnosocial upbringing according to the features of social pedagogues’ work in school. Nurturingl tradition is one of the priority traditions of
domestic education. It acquires a special sound in the channel of modernization of public consciousness. The important task of educating pupils is the formation of love to Motherland, the country, to become
patriots of the country, to respect the native language and religion. The realization of such tasks is possible on the basis of the Kazakh ethnopedagogy, through the use of the means of folk pedagogy, giving
a new meaning to the national upbringing, as well as through the use of the best practices and traditions of public education. The directions in the senior school can be – folk arts and crafts, national values and
traditions, the history of national culture. The paper gives an example of «Atameken» program for the 9-11th grades of the school. The program integrates 30 creative areas of work. In conclusion, the authors
emphasize the need for guidance in the work of the social pedagogue by pedagogical values – the child’s personal development, a group of activities, social values.
Key words: social pedagogue, ethnosocial upbringing, ethnopedagogy, ethnoculture, ethnosociology, national thought, humanity, national nurturing, pupil, educational work.


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How to Cite

Algozhaeva, N., & Rysbekova, K. (2018). Social Pedagogue’s Ethnosocial Work with Pupils. Journal of Educational Sciences, 53(4), 81–87. Retrieved from