Psychological-pedagogical bases of preventive measures of deviant behavior.


  • Z. M. Sadvakasova Казахский национальный университет им.аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
        51 81


deviant behavior, prevention, children at risk, prevention deviation,


In article features of prevention in youth work deviant behavior: strategy, system, technology, model forms of pedagogical prevention; directions prevention of psychological-pedagogical work with adolescents, foreign approaches in the organization of prevention of deviant behavior. The strategy of prevention of deviant behavior assumes complete exclusion of all kinds of deviant behavior at the expense of elimination of the reasons causing them. Who offers the system of measures of deviation, which includes primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Describes the experience of Russia, great Britain, Holland, Sweden, Bulgaria. Technologies of social prevention include: • publication and dissemination of booklets, brochures, leafl ets containing information about the consequences of using alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other social risks and problems; • installation of posters and billboards with socio-preventive information; • transfer to local media special information about the prevention, including the creation of special programs TV; • visits to the institutions of education, health, culture, execution of punishment to preventive measures; • opening a special telephone line to provide the necessary information about prevention; • ‘s lessons with the children on preventive subjects; • individual counseling, informing about the problems prevention; • street actions.


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