To the problem of forming foreign language communicative competence of primary-school students


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The article is devoted to the issue of formation of primary-school students’ foreign language communicative
competence. At the present stage of development, the goal of foreign language education is
to achieve foreign language communicative competence by students, that is, the ability and real readiness
of pupils to carry out foreign language communication and seek the mutual understanding with
native speakers of a foreign language. The advisability of forming a foreign language communicative
competence at the primary-school age stage is confirmed by numerous studies, both in our country and
abroad. A foreign language should be considered as a means of understanding the picture of the world,
acquisition values created by other peoples. The paper considers the components of communicative
competence, as well as the methods and technologies of its formation at the foreign language lesson. An
experimental-pedagogical research was conducted in which 75 high school students of the 4th grade of
primary school took part. The method of using active methods of teaching and communication of participants
was used. At the stating stage, it was revealed that 60% of students are communicative active,
and 40% - communicative passive. Taking into account the individual characteristics of children, classes
were held on the updated methodology.
Key words: schoolchildren, second language acquisition, foreign language, communicative competence.






Psychological and Pedagogical Research