Online Teaching of English: Voices of Teachers and Students in Kazakhstan




The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the benefits and drawbacks associated
with online learning and teaching in Kazakhstani universities as well as to know teachers’ and students’
attitudes towards online learning/teaching English. The responses of the 100 students and 30 teachers
were studied to reveal how teachers and students perceive the educational quality of the sudden shift
from face-to-face to online teaching/learning English. The study finds a statistically significant association between students’ satisfaction with the quality of education and the level of teachers’ preparedness
to deliver English lessons online. Data were collected through online questionnaires (Google form) that
have been shared through social media such as WhatsApp and Telegram. Participants were given openended, closed-ended, and linear scale questions. The survey participants were university teachers and
students. According to the survey, the attitudes of teachers and students towards online learning English
are more positive than negative. So, the survey outcomes can significantly help to improve the quality of
online lessons. The results of this study will be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions, and
anyone who is interested in teaching English online.
Key words: online learning/teaching, higher education, pandemic, survey, questionnaire, online
learning platforms






E-learning and Distance Education