Topical issues of interdisciplinary team teaching in higher education institutions.


  • N. Anarbek. Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
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interdisciplinary team teaching, content integration, comparative pedagogy, content of education, self-knowledge.


Within this article we will examine topical issues of interdisciplinary team teaching in higher education institutions using comparative pedagogy as an example; as comparative pedagogy is one of the intensively developing branches of present knowledge. Fundamentally the summary will be based upon principal components of contents of learner-centered pedagogy. Thus, I.Ya.Lerner and M.N. Snatkin interpret the contents of education as a pedagogically-adapted system of knowledge, habits and skills, experience in creative activity and emotional-volitional relations; adoption of the system is intended to ensure formation of personality and his or her development into a fully rounded person prepared to reproduce preserve and develop material and intellectual culture of society. Peculiarities of interdisciplinary team teaching will be given consideration through
these four components and examples of content integration of comparative
pedagogy and other disciplines will be provided.


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