Educational Strategies as a Tool for Comparison of the Development Education Policy of the Country.


  • A. K. Mynbayeva Казахского национального университета им. аль-Фараби
        42 223


education policy, strategy of education development, the map strategies, school education, periodization of history of development of education of Kazakhstan,


The article provides defi nitions of the terms «strategy» → «educational strategy» → «strategy of education development». The education development strategy is the defi nition and implementation of the objectives and means of development of educational system, the time and conditions for the implementation of the objectives, metrics values of implementation. Approaches to the defi nition of «educational policy» in Kazakhstan and foreign scientists; proposed «pyramid» strategy as an instrument of comparative educational policy, presents the periodization of history of school education, compiled map of strategies for educational development of Kazakhstan as a trajectory of development of education in the Soviet period and the period of independence of Kazakhstan. The mapping of strategies not only helps you organize, re-look and to trace the historical milestones in the development of education and to evaluate new history of development of education, to help in understanding and shaping new policies, forecasting of development of education, but also may become a new tool for analysis of education policy of Kazakhstan. The article is written in the framework of the implementation of the grant of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «the Study of educational policy of Kazakhstan and countries of Europe: comparative aspect for the development of human capital and the formation of an intellectual nation».


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