The concept modernization of biological education
In this article we present actual thoughts and principles of education and vocation in the field of
biology for medium and high school students. Describing the history of society, predicting the development
of biological positives for the younger generation, to formulate specific concepts in the application
of biological practices.
поиск структуры
и нaпрaвлении
и культурной
Опирaясь проиденные
нaуки и обрaзовaния
и рaзвития
в облaсти биологии
definitionandtasks, aswellasformingthewholesystemofthescienceoflearning.
For this reason it is impossible to define the methodological principle, there is a concept of education.
The conception also presents the conceptualization of the conceptualization of the conceptualization
of the conceptual principle of the principle of precursor realizations. Structure and directions of
social and cultural life, and definition of the meaning of education and training. Based on the story, it allows
him to look into the future, looking at the future. The poetry of the history of our past is not what will
happen, and will allow us to destroy our sins and let our destiny grow. In particular, biological formation
through the spiral structure. At the very beginning it is impossible to realize ideologically, methodological,
theoretical and practical problems. In the upper classes, there are two thirds, the basic theory derives
from their own development and advancement. It is noteworthy to mention that the classification of the
science of the unconscious in the class should be based on the historical context.
The basic forms of development in the formation of biology of the formation of the single system of
the science of formation are studied.
Key words: concept, technique, theory, practice, chromosomal theory, mutation.