Scientometric Analysis of Kazakhstani Universities’ Publication Activity


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The article analyzes the publication activity of Kazakhstani universities. The aim of the study is to identify the main trends and factors influencing the increase in scientific productivity in universities. The study was carried out using the method of scientometric analysis of universities' data in the Scopus and Web of Science databases and InCites and SciVal electronic analytical tools. At the same time, both quantitative and qualitative indicators were “measured”, to the latter the authors attributed the citation of publications and journal quartiles. The level of international collaboration and the share of publications as the first author or corresponding author is also considered. Based on the data obtained, the ranking of organizations was carried out, the features of the publication activity of each of the groups, as well as the factors influencing the publication strategy of universities’ teaching staff, were identified. The positive results of the policy of increasing publication activity at universities, including participation in world academic rankings, include an increase in the number of publications, including in journals, of the first two quartiles (that is, the improvement of the quality), a high level of international collaboration, and an increase in the recognition of scientists and their contribution to research (citation and position of the author). At the same time, the problem of manipulating scientometric indicators to improve individual indicators and universities’ performance remains relevant. Higher education institutions can use the results of this study to develop publication strategies and adjust approaches to hiring faculty in terms of analyzing their publication activity.

Key words: Publication activity, university, scientometric analysis, scientific productivity


How to Cite

Kudaibergenova, R., Smagulov К., Omiraliyeva, G., & Uzakbay, S. (2022). Scientometric Analysis of Kazakhstani Universities’ Publication Activity. Journal of Educational Sciences, 72(3), 4–22.



Psychological and Pedagogical Research