The impact of the youth subculture on suicidal behavior of students.


  • A. B. Aitbaeva. Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая
  • G. A. Kassen. Казахский национальный университ им. аль-Фараби
        36 39


youth subculture, is an informal Association, suicidal behavior, suicidal factors, correlation dependence,


The article is devoted to the problem of mutual infl uence aspects of youth culture and behavior of students, in particular the impact of the youth subculture on suicidal behavior. The authors on the basis of the mini-research establish a direct dependence of the affi liations of the students to a particular subculture and have suicidal factors.


1 Лисоковский В.Т. Социология молодежи. – М., 2003.


How to Cite

Aitbaeva., A. B., & Kassen., G. A. (2016). The impact of the youth subculture on suicidal behavior of students. Journal of Educational Sciences, 36(2). Retrieved from

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