Features of the Organization of Educational and Material Base in Biology at School



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This article describes the features of the organization of educational and material base in biology, sets out the requirements for the biology classroom. The biology room is equipped in accordance with the requirements Of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “on education”. In the process of implement- ing the educational process, the biology classroom should provide a systematic education of teachers, increase the cognitive and inquisitive abilities of students. For this purpose, the educational and mate- rial base of the biology classroom is provided with the necessary equipment for the discipline. Training equipment is placed and stored in the office taking into account the frequency of its use, safety rules, belonging to any Chapter or topic. Currently, materials, devices and tools, interactive learning tools in the office and laboratory are systematized. The classroom occupies a special place in the educational material base so that students can get a solid knowledge of biology at school and master biology perfect- ly. As a result of the research, the complex of educational and material resources in biology education, their content, pedagogical conditions, and didactic principles were considered. In this regard, pedagogi- cal and practical work was carried out, and results were obtained. The educational and material base of biology education consists of a biology classroom, a wildlife corner, and an educational and practical complex. The article shows the place of the educational and material base in the process of teaching biology to schoolchildren.

Key words: demonstration equipment, multimedia tools, wildlife corner, medicines, herbarium.






Teaching Methodology of Disciplines

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